Attendance and Policies
- Attendance Policy
- Chronic Absenteeism Information
- Academic Honesty Policy
- Annual Notifications
- Bus Pass Application
- Dress Code
- Electronic Devices
- Locker Policy & Procedures
- Student Parking
- Tutorial
- FUHSD Complaint Process
Attendance Policy
“Regular school attendance is a necessary part of the learning process and the means to graduation with a good education. Students who are frequently absent may be putting their futures in jeopardy. Chronic absenteeism, especially truancy, is a behavior that is highly associated with dropping out of school. Regular attendance is essential for success in school.” (School Attendance Improvement Handbook, Safe Schools & Violence Prevention Office, CA Department of Education)
The Attendance Policy is an effort to continue your conscientious efforts in making regular school attendance a priority. As you spend more time in the classroom, your academic success continues to improve. Regular and punctual attendance is expected, encouraged and, as necessary, enforced. School attendance only works with cooperation between the students, parents and school. The Attendance Policy guidelines are:
24 Hour Phone Line: (408) 522-2414/Attendance desk is open 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
- Regular attendance is an important factor in academic success.
- Students’ ALL DAY/Partial absences must be cleared within two (2) days (48 hours); otherwise it will be considered an unexcused absence.
- The student's responsibility is to provide the Attendance office with accurate, current phone numbers and contacts. This may help verify absences and allow students to leave school for appointments.
- If your student needs to leave campus for any reason, a parent or guardian must call the attendance desk at least 30 minutes before the student’s departure. The student and parent must pick-up an off campus pass from the attendance desk before departure, otherwise it will be considered an unexcused absences. If the student feels ill, please have the student notify the teacher so the student can be sent to the main office. To minimize disruptions in the classroom, students will not be called out of class but sent a notice that may take up to 15 minutes.
- After 3 consecutive school days of illness, the student must provide a doctor’s note upon their return to school.
- If your student has any type of medical appointment during school hours, the student must bring a doctor’s visit notification form when returning to school. If they are not returning to school the same day, they must bring the notice the next school day.
- If a student is arriving late to school for any reason, the student should go directly to the front office. If the student has an excuse for the late event, please bring it with them to the front office and see Ms. Cannon.
- Students are considered tardy when they arrive after the second bell rings (or when it is scheduled to ring) and within the first 29 minutes of class the students are considered tardy. After 30 minutes the tardy is considered as a truant tardy. Parents may NOT excuse a tardy.
- Written notes, such as hand written ones, will be subject to verification to ensure that they are a satisfactory explanation for an absence.
- Emails originating from a parent email account on record will be accepted for clearing an attendance.
- Unverified absences and/or class cuts may prohibit student from making up missed assignments.
- Arriving on time to class is mandatory.
Chronic Absenteeism Information
Dear Fremont Families,
We are changing our practice around reporting chronic absenteeism. Chronic absenteeism is the term some of us have known as truancy. The State of California defines a student as chronically absent when a student is absent half a day for 10% of the school days in a given period. According to this definition, a student who is absent 2 days a month, is chronically absent regardless of whether the absence is excused or unexcused. The philosophy of the California Department of Education reflects a belief where excused or unexcused absences inhibit a student’s ability to learn effectively.
In an effort to address this change in practice, the Fremont Union High School District and Fremont High School are working collaboratively to keep families informed about chronic absenteeism. Families will receive progressive letters and notifications depending on the severity of the absence. Initially, families will receive Letter One after a student has been absent for 10% of a reporting period. The first reporting period will consist of 4 weeks. Following the 4 week period, if families received Letter One, and the absences continue, families will receive Letter Two after 2 weeks. After the receipt of Letter Two, the process becomes more personalized based on the circumstances of the absence.
Our hope is for all our students to attend school every day and not miss any classes. We understand life events can affect the ability to come to school and we want to ensure that we are working closely with you to keep lines of communication open. We want to know we are doing everything we can to assist our students in getting to every class on time, and every day.
For any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the climate office using the information below.
Estimadas familias de Fremont,
Estamos cambiando nuestra práctica alrededor del absentismo crónico. El absentismo crónico es el término que algunos de nosotros hemos conocido como Truancy. El estado de California define a un estudiante como crónico ausente cuando un estudiante está ausente medio día para 10% de los días escolares en un período. Según esta definición, un estudiante que está ausente 2 días al mes, es un crónico ausente sin importar ausencias justificadas o injustificadas. La filosofía del Departamento de Educación de CA es una ausencia afecta la capacidad del estudiante para aprender.
En colaboración con el distrito y la escuela secundaria Fremont nuestras familias recibirán letras y notificaciones progresivas dependiendo en la severidad de la ausencia. A empezar, familias recibirán la primera letra después de que un estudiante ha estado ausente por el 10% de un período. El primer período de reporte será de 4 semanas. Después del período de 4 semanas, si las ausencias continúan, las familias recibirán la letra 2 después de 2 semanas. Después de receiver las dos letras, el proceso se hace más personalizado en que queremos averiguar las circunstancias de la ausencia.
Esperamos que todos nuestros estudiantes asistan a la escuela todos los días y no falten a ninguna clase. Entendemos que los eventos de la vida pueden afectar la capacidad de venir a la escuela y queremos asegurarnos de que estamos trabajando con usted para mantener abiertas las líneas de comunicación. Queremos que usted sepa que estamos haciendo todo lo posible para ayudar a nuestros estudiantes a llegar a cada clase a tiempo, y todos los días.
Para cualquier pregunta por favor comuníquese con la oficina:
Academic Honesty Policy
Annual Notifications
Bus Pass Application
Please visit the district's bus pass page for information and the application.
Dress Code
Appropriate dress is necessary in order to promote a positive school environment. Clothing should not distract from the learning environment. Please be advised that every person has a different level of tolerance for hygiene and appropriate dress.
The following articles of clothing are not permitted:
- Exposed undergarments;
- See-through clothes (this does not mean normal exposure of straps);
- Excessively short/revealing clothes;
- Clothing with lewd, indecent or vulgar messages or illustrations;
- Clothing that advertises products or services illegal to minors, including drugs or drug paraphernalia;
- Clothing that may be perceive to be associated to gang affiliation or activities; or
- Red or blue bandanas of any sort.
Violations may result in parent contact, confiscation of prohibited articles, and required change of attire. Refusal to change attire and repetitive dress code offenses may result in disciplinary action.
Electronic Devices
Fremont High School advises all students to refrain from bringing any electronics to school. If students choose to bring electronics to school, then they must abide by the following rules:
- Electronic devices may be used during passing periods, brunch, and lunch;
- Electronic devices classroom use is at the teachers discretion; and
- Electronic devices are brought to school at the students’ own risk, lost or stolen electronics are not the responsibility of Fremont High School.
- First offense: May be picked up at 3:15 p.m. from the Deans' Office
- Second offense: May be picked up the following day at 3:15 p.m.
- Third offense: Parent/Guardian must come pick it up
- Fourth offense: Parent/Guardian must come pick it up and Disciplinary Action
Locker Policy & Procedures
In order to provide as many students as possible with an opportunity to use a school locker, the following policies and procedures will be implemented. Students will:
- Share a locker with another FHS student (students may choose their partner or one will be assigned)
- Complete a permission form with signatures from both students and both parents.
- Must use school-issued combination lock. If the student doesn’t have a school issued lock one may be purchased ($5) at the time the school locker is registered. School officials will have a master key to these locks.
- The use of locks not assigned by FHS will result in removal of lock and belongings, as well as potentially losing the locker privilege.
- Use the assigned locker number. Students will not be allowed to choose their locker location.
- A certain number of lockers have been allocated for each class (9-12)
- Not place valuables in their locker and they should keep a record of book numbers or other materials that have been checked out from class or the library.
How to Get a School Locker
Please print out the Locker Application Form. Hard copies are in the Main Office. (This process is only for general school lockers and does not apply to PE lockers)
Students may get a school locker during registration on August 8 and 9 with the following items completed:
- Must have the name of the two students on the application form with all required signatures
- Bring the FHS issued lock to register it or $5 to purchase one.
- Only one student needs to be present to be assigned a locker
- We will take single applicants, but lockers will not be assigned until first weeks of school and the applicant may be paired with another applicant.
Students and their parents are responsible for, and will be charged for, any damage to or loss of school property that may result through the use of lockers. This includes any loss as a result of vandalism. Lockers have been subject to weekend and after school vandalism. The school will not replace any personal property brought to school or placed in lockers.
Student Parking
In order to receive a permit students must:
- Complete a Student Parking Form (hard copies available in the ASB office);
- Bring a Valid Driver’s License; and
- Pay a $25 fee.
Students who purchase a parking permit will not be issued a bus pass. Space is limited. Once all spaces have been purchased and assigned, no additional permits can be issued.
What is Tutorial?
Tutorial is a…
- time students should use to support and enrich their learning.
- period, three days a week, when students visit a chosen class to seek help with struggles or expand on interests.
- 25-minute period on Mondays and a 40-minute period on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Why Tutorial?
Busy schedules (sports, clubs, jobs, and other responsibilities) can make it difficult for many students to find time to meet with teachers. Tutorial provides a chance for all students to:
- Get extra help
- Further their learning on topics of interest
- Work with peers on class projects
- Seek help with life skills (e.g., job and college applications, community service)
Using Tutorial effectively can help students learn how to manage their time, advocate for their learning and interests, and become more independent.
Students can create and check appointments through our Tutorial Web Application.
For additional information about Tutorial, please view this short video or review the Tutorial FAQ document.