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Physical Education

Our goal is to prepare our students for life in our society. Our objectives are to give the students information and basic skills they will need for survival and longevity. We expect our students to go away with an understanding of and a positive attitude towards physical fitness and wellness. Our two years of required Physical Education (PE) are divided into two programs—PE 9 core and PE 10 electives. The unit activities are instruction oriented and of two types—survival and carry-over life time activities. The survival activities are designed to give our students the knowledge and skills needed to have a healthy life. In the carry-over activities, we are attempting to expose our students to a variety of experiences, some of which they might pursue for a lifetime.

Students must pass a total of 20 PE credits (10 credits of PE 9 10 credits of PE 10 elective). Athletes may earn PE credit for their sport in place of PE 10. Contact Athletic Director Jason Townsend for more information.