Treat all people and the environment with respect – maintain an academic environment at all times. In an effort to do this please follow these guidelines:
1. Students will be asked to by staff to verify unscheduled blocks.
2. Please use a quiet voice in the library. Your voice should not be heard past your table.
3. To preserve the environment, please eat all food and drink outside the library.
4. Keep library chairs in place at tables. There are 4-chair tables and 6-chair tables. That is the maximum number of seats at one table. Standing or sitting around tables blocks pathways and is not permitted. Sitting or standing in the library stacks also blocks walkways is not permitted.
5. Play card or other games outside of the library.
6. Silence cellphones before entering the library. Step outside the library to take a phone call, play songs, or play videos.
Students violating any of the above may lose library privileges for the day or a more extended period of time. Serious or repeated violations will be handled by an Assistant Principal and will result in disciplinary action.
- Tutorial is required academic time. Access to the library is by appointment only.
- Students using school desktops in the library during tutorial are expected to do academic work.
- All electronic devices, personal or school, will be used for educational purposes only. If a student is misusing a device the device will be taken by staff and may be given back at the end of Tutorial. If a device is taken more than once it will be given to the Climate Office.
- Use a quiet voice in the Library, If you are working on a group assignment, your voice should not be heard past your table.
- Keep Library chairs in place at tables. There are 4-chair tables and 6- chair tables. That is the maximum number of seats at one table.
- If space is limited, you may be instructed to find another study location. (Room 76 has a computer lab open during Tutorial.)
- Use time in the library productively. Students not using Tutorial appropriately will be asked to leave or denied entry.
Students For Success Policy
- SFS is in the Library Mondays-Thursdays from 3:30pm-5pm.
- Student tutors are available - subjects will vary.
- Students must check out materials with a library staff member before taking them from the building.
- Materials are checked out for a two-week period, but may be renewed for more time.
- Students will be charged the cost of replacing any lost or damaged materials.
- Library copies of text books must be used in the library and are not available for check out.
- Overdue or unreturned materials may cause a loss of check-out privileges.