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English Language Development (ELD)

Welcome to Fremont High School's English Language Development program! Our ELD program offers special instruction for students learning English as a second language. Our curriculum is driven by the California Department of Education's content standards. The curriculum is designed to accelerate students' acquisition of English so that students can enter mainstream content courses as quickly as possible. Our motto is: "The point of ELD is to exit ELD." The ELD department works to ensure that all English Learners, from newcomers to those who have lived here for a number of years, develop the literacy and language skills necessary to access the high school curriculum. We strive to prepare our students for the language demands of the post secondary world, both in the work place and in academia. Our ELD students come from all parts of the world and enrich the diversity of our school community.

The goals of the ELD Program are:

  • To accelerate English Learners' acquisition of basic intercommunication skills, as well as cognitive academic language proficiency to enable them to participate fully in the mainstream classroom.
  • To provide all students with an understanding of and respect for each other's cultural traditions and values.
  • To develop a positive self-concept, an ability to relate well to others, and acceptable standards of conduct and citizenship.